Greaves Cotton share price rose sharply on Wednesday, gaining 4.6% to close the day at Rs 465.15. The stock has been on a strong rebound since releasing its earnings report a week ago. It reported revenues of ₹ 7.51 billion (approximately $86.7 million) to beat the median forecast figure of ₹7.22 billion (approximately $83.7 billion).
The engineering company has also made great strides in its product development, with breakthroughs in the microcar engine segment. For instance, it recently launched a Euro 5+ compliant engine, which aligns with the stringent Euro 5+ emissions regulations that came into effect this month. That has enabled it to not only prove its prowess in meeting rising regulatory standards but also showcased the competency of its R&D in helping it grow.
Greaves Cotton’s prototype 250cc microcar powered by a CNG (compressed natural gas) engine and a hydrogen-powered three-wheeler were on display at the Bharat Mobility 2025 event. These have added momentum to Greeves Cotton share price momentum as they signify the company’s preparedness for the clean energy transition.
As far as the technicals go, the momentum on the stock signals the likely continuation of the upside in the near term. Greaves Cotton (NSE: GREAVESCOT) RSI is at 57 on the daily chart and it has also recently broken above the Volume Weighted Moving Average (VWMA) which is at Rs 258 as of this writing.
Greaves Cotton share price pivot is at Rs 258.15 and the momentum favours the buyers to stay in control above that mark. The stock will likely meet the first resistance at Rs 273.95, but an extended bullish momentum could clear that hurdle and test the second resistance at Rs 286.80
Alternatively, moving below Rs 258.15 will signal a shift by the momentum to the downside. That will likely see the stock find the first support at Rs 247.15. However, a stronger downward momentum could break below that level, invalidating the upside narrative and potentially setting the next target at Rs 235.04.
This post was last modified on Jan 29, 2025, 12:37 GMT 12:37