t3rn, the smart contract platform built on the Polkadot network, has launched its testnet on Rococo. The deployment of Rococo is necessary in order to guarantee that t3rn’s revolutionary technology will work properly within the Polkadot ecosystem. To ensure the validity of a transaction on both sides, it uses atomic cross-chain smart contract execution. Until recently, this has been a big challenge with cross-chain interaction that spans distinct consensus frameworks. In other words, this key milestone marks the beginning of Rococo’s full-scale deployment as Polkadot’s smart contracts node of operations.
How the new t3rn deployment works
The atomic cross-chain execution approach that t3rn employs ensures that all transactions will either succeed or fail. An execution environment called Circuit dispatches smart contract calls to parachains with an active Gateway. However, in case of a cross-chain execution failure, the t3rn protocol ensures that all of the trice roll back to their previous state (side effects).
Maciej Baj, Founder of t3rn says, “ Other parachains can register for Gateways and test our execution model. We think this will be revolutionary for the Polkadot ecosystem, finally enabling true cross-chain execution going beyond simple asset transfers.”
Side Effects are the instructions in a circuit that are submitted for execution across multiple chains. Off-chain binary Executors are the entities responsible for carrying out the Side Effects. These systems gather the negative effects and weigh the risks and benefits of putting them into action. If they think the transaction is valuable, they’ll go through with it if they can guarantee an insurance bond.
t3rn’s Circuit may dynamically register any Rococo parachain as a Gateway for use. Through the use of the t3rn UI, cross-chain execution may build up from individual side effects in a seamless manner. Circuit’s verification times have experienced significant improvements, allowing it to interact with Polkadot’s GRANDPA finality gadget at a high efficiency.