GrantShares, a new DAO to help Neo ecosystem contributors, is now accepting proposals to fund Neo ecosystem projects. Applicants are free to submit projects and apply for grants on GrantShares, which is now open and accepting applications. Marketing, documentation, tutorials, research and more are all welcome here. Also, technical initiatives are not the only types of grant requests that GrantShares will consider.
What does GrantShares hope to achieve?
GrantShares hopes to serve as an inspiration for other Neo blockchain DAO projects. It provides an alternative route to seeding grassroots development projects. Existing members of the community can also express themselves through new experimental projects. Therefore, GrantShares is a different way to fund grassroots development projects. It also gives current members of the community a chance to experiment with fresh ideas.
The Neo Foundation first appointed a small group of important community members to form the GrantShares DAO. AxLabs, COZ, Red4Sec, NGD, NSPCC, NNT, NEXT, NeoResearch, and ngdenterprise are some of the members of this DAO. These founding members of the DAO were selected for their long-term influence and presence in the Neo ecosystem. Notably, most of the DAO’s treasury funding will come from the Neo Foundation itself. For the time being, all grants will be disbursed in the form of GAS and NEO tokens.
Guil Sperb Machado, CEO of AxLabs said, “Beyond fostering community contributions for Neo, as one of Neo’s first DAOs, GrantShares also aims to inspire more DAO-related projects on the Neo blockchain.”
Automated asset management is possible with smart contracts on Neo. Also, Decentralized storage, oracles, and the Domain Name System are some of the powerful infrastructures that are accessible through it. An open-source software business in Switzerland called AxLabs, which is dedicated to the development of tools for the blockchain, is behind the creation and maintenance of GrantShares.