
DeFi-Centric NFT Game, StonkLeague Introduces Player Ranking

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Written By: Michael Abadha

NFT crypto game StonkLeague has announced the introduction of GameFi Player Rankings. The rankings aim to make decentralized finance (DeFi) more accessible and easier to utilize for regular investors. The application of gamification helps minimize complexity and trade risk, which are two of the most significant hurdles to DeFi. A dynamic leaderboard of retail traders and an automated crypto index approach will allow gamers, investment advisors, and financial influencers to acquire valuable, validated reputations in the cryptocurrency gaming and DeFi industries.

Why is StonkLegue ranking players?

StonkLeague investors receive access to a real-time trading interface with genuine trade data on digital assets through the rapidly expanding fantasy gaming genre. Every user on the StonkLeague platform has their activity tracked in real time, regardless of whether they choose to take part in daily games for fun and awards or real-world exchanges. Financial advisors can use the generated performance rankings to develop a verified reputation in the crypto investing and gaming ecosystem.

While playing fantasy games, players participate in leagues with their friends and family for the chance to win crypto rewards. In doing this, they need to use their knowledge of fundamental market research and their ability to forecast markets. A Stonk League verified reputation can provide them access to a wide range of new possibilities. For instance, p layers that have earned a good reputation are able to organize their own games and leagues.

StonkLeague is a low-risk, high-fun way for average investors to gain exposure to the cryptocurrency market. Located in the ancient world, the trading metaverse established by StonkLeague is unique. Players can use the in-game $ AEGIS tokens to mobilize troops and conquer territory by predicting the markets and predicting the outcome of the conquests of their faction of choice. Winners of each battle earn territory NFTs are awarded. Also, the bearers of these NFTs receive special in-game advantages and a share of platform revenue.

This post was last modified on May 20, 2022, 14:19 BST 14:19

Written By: Michael Abadha

Michael is a self-taught financial markets analyst, who specializes in analysis of equities, forex and crypto markets. He draws his inspiration from the fact that markets provide an interface through which the world interacts in search of a better tomorrow.

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Written By: Michael Abadha